Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Project Post 24: Wooden Toolbox Planter

This is a project post and an heirloom post all in one, which means you get a bonus. I'm sure a million people have done this before. Several years ago when my Papa was still alive, he and my Nanny sold their farm that they lived on and loved for many years, to move to town and be closer to their kids, grand kids, and doctor's offices. I got a few odds and ends from Papa's barn that no one wanted (everyone had taken what they wanted already) and were going to be sold with the house. The reason these things are special to me are obviously because they came from my grandparents, but also because we all have such fond memories of growing up out at "the farm," and I am happy to have a few things from there. Among those things, were a couple of old, wooden toolboxes. Before I got married, they sat in my parents garage for a long time, and even after that they just sat untouched for a long time. I considered doing different things with them - cleaning one up and painting it and using it for silverware and napkins at dinners and parties - but that would mean finding a place to store it the rest of the time, and you all know how I feel about storage space and clutter.

I started cleaning this one up a few weeks ago, and decided that with all the wear and grime and dirt and nails, etc., it just wasn't going to clean up very nicely. So I left it in it's natural state and planted some flowers in it, and I think it's charming on our back patio. If that spot doesn't get enough sun for begonias (which, it won't after we add our shade canopy/roof), I might fill it with a bunch of succulents, but right now they are doing pretty good and I really like it as a little planter.

I won't insult you with details and instructions, because this project is obviously very self-explanatory. You can find old toolboxes like these all over - flea markets, junk stores, garage sales. Usually, the junkier the place, the better chance they'll have one or some.


  1. I found one of those in my pawpaw's barn! I cleaned it up and put a huge silk flower arrangement in it, including some cattails like were around the pond at his farm. LOVE saving history like this!!

  2. Hi Leslie, I love this tool box planter idea and am excited to feature it in an article I'm writing for In the article, I will provide a photo credit and link back to your blog post. Please contact me if you have any questions (or if you would prefer that I not use your photo). Thanks so much!
