Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Project Post 18: Pipe & Pallet Clothes Rack {Part II}

I forgot to mention in Monday's blog post that it was my 100th post. Woohoo! No one cares about that milestone but me, but I couldn't believe I was already there so I wanted to share:)

I showed you my early-Christmas-present clothes rack that Tyler made me back in this post, and we made a few more as Christmas presents. The pallet he used for the base of mine was the only pallet we had with wide wood planks that were already a great (old) color/finish. So, for the others, we had to get a little more creative to make them just as special. We knew Tyler's mom would love to have one, so we planned to make her one. I didn't think my mom would really like to have one (didn't think it was her thing), but when she saw mine, she said she wanted one. Fine with me! I love giving gifts that I know the recipient wants!

Tyler got the two bases made and brought them to me to finish. I decided to try staining the first one (it went to my mom) and I wanted to paint the other one (for Tyler's mom) - just to get some variety. I am completely happy with how each of them turned out. I won't show you pictures of my mom's because it looks a lot like mine that you've already seen. Here are some pictures of Tyler's mom's clothes rack (I will add better pictures later - I forgot to take final pictures before we gave it to her, and I didn't get good pictures of it at their house because it was at night and I just snapped them in a hallway).

The finish ended up really messy and I love it. I slapped on some mustard yellow/gold for the base and then just put a glaze over that. There you have it!


  1. I think the 100th post picture should have been one of you in the same pose as Levi. Keep that in mind for 200. Keep up the good work!

  2. haha...I like Tyler's picture suggestion! Congrats!

  3. Thanks for joining us on our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you come back next Saturday. We would love to have you share more wonderful ideas! -The Sisters

  4. Is that plumbing pipe you used? I would love a supply list! So creative!!!!
