Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Recent Snapshots {February}

I'm afraid my February posts are few and far between. A little boy around here has been sick for a couple of weeks, and so he's been getting my attention over everything else (including cooking and cleaning too, oops).

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. I will be back with more meaty posts soon :)

{Tyler had to go to a board meeting down south in the mountains, so he rented a cabin for a couple of nights so we could make a mini-weekend-vacation out of it (the 3 of us). It snowed the first night, and we spent 2 days just mainly inside by the fire and tv - it was great! This was our little cabin}

{In front of the cabin - I have about 20 things in the pouch of my sweatshirt (phone, pacifier, Levi's snacks) in case you were wondering if we just pigged out all weekend}
{Opening some of his presents on Valentine's Day}
{Valentine's Day}

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