Monday, March 12, 2012

Project Post 21: Heirloom Bookshelf (after)

This post is sort of an (informal) introduction to a post series I'll be doing from time to time on heirlooms. So while this included in the Project Posts Series, it's also Post #1 in the Heirloom series too:)

I've mentioned before (especially here and here) that I love family heirlooms, and am honored to have the ones that I do. They are very special to me, because family is very important and something to be cherished. In the weeks and months to come, I'll periodically be highlighting certain family heirlooms that are special to me. 

The bookshelf I showed you two weeks ago (that belonged to Tyler's maternal grandparents) is finally finished and in it's permanent resting place (until we outgrow this house). That alone is hard for me to commit to (I change the furniture placement often), but there is only one place that makes complete sense for it to go in our home. I know this because over the last week I have placed it in every possible spot it would fit in our house (no comments from my husband or parents please). You can see the before and during pictures (I painted it) in this post, and here are the after pictures:


  1. I love this bookshelf!!! Where did you get your curtains? I love them too!!

    1. Thank you Ryan! Those curtains came from Pottery Barn

  2. It looks great Leslie! I wish I had the thought to change furniture around; I don't think I've moved anything since we moved into our house (except for a rocker I have to move at Christmas for the tree!)
